Travelling safely

Getting started

When does this new policy go into effect?

The new policy is effective immediately. Beginning November 1, everyone who uses ProperyStays around the world will be asked to affirmatively uphold the ProperyStays Community Commitment.

What about hosts in other parts of the world? Much of the focus seems to be about the United States.

While the detailed guidance is focused on users in the United States, the policy and essential principles of inclusion and respect apply to all hosts in our global community.

When will a global policy be developed? Will I be notified?

The policy applies to everyone who uses ProperyStays around the world. Detailed guidance for hosts and guests outside of the United States will be released in the weeks and months ahead.

What if I don’t agree to this policy? I want control over who comes into my home.

The principles of inclusion and respect are important to us and to our community, and we require that all our users abide by this policy. If you do not agree to comply with the policy, you won’t be able to host or travel using ProperyStays. If necessary, you can visit this Help Center article to learn how to cancel your account.
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