Booking & paying


If you contact a host about their space before requesting to book it, the host has the option to invite you to book a couple of ways:

  • Pre-approval: The host invites you to book for the dates and prices shown when you contacted the host
  • special offer: The host chooses a custom price (or other details) and invites you to book with the new details

Note: A special offer will not include the guest service fee or relevant taxes charged for each reservation.

Find your pre-approval or special offer

You’ll get an email notification when you receive a pre-approval or special offer. You can also check your reservation status by looking in the message where you’re talking with the host.

To book a pre-approval or special offer:

  1. On, go to your Inbox
  2. Click the conversation with the host to open the message
  3. Find the box that shows the details of your pre-approval or special offer
  4. Click Book It
  5. Add your payment details, and click Book now
  6. You’ll receive a confirmation email with your itinerary and a billing receipt
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