Pricing & availability

Your calendar

To edit your listing:

  1. Go to Manage Listings on
  2. Next to the listing you want to edit, click Manage Listing
  3. Scroll to the section you’d like to change, then click Edit

To edit your listing name:

  1. Go to Host and then Listings
  2. Choose the listing whose name you want to edit
  3. Click Listing details
  4. Click Title & description
  5. Click Edit

There are a couple of other things to know about editing your listing:

  • Some of your editing options (for example: calendar, reservation settings, and pricing) won’t appear until you’ve finished listing your space.
  • Edits only apply to reservations booked after you make the changes; they don’t apply to upcoming reservations that were already accepted.
  • While you edit, your changes will be automatically saved. Changes may take up to an hour to appear on your public listing.
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