Pricing & availability

Your calendar

To make dates available or blocked:

  1. Go to your Calendar on
  2. Click a date to select it, or click and drag your cursor to select multiple dates
  3. Select Available or Blocked
  4. Click Save changes

On your calendar, dates that are available to book are white. Unavailable dates are gray if they’re automatically blocked, and they’ll have a slash if you’ve manually blocked them.

Automatically blocked dates

The booking window you’ve set in your reservation preferences determines which dates are automatically blocked or available.

For example, if you let guests book 3 months ahead of time, then dates beyond those 3 months will be blocked, and dates within those 3 months will be available. The booking window moves forward every day, so as time passes new dates will automatically become available.

Pending and confirmed reservations

Dates for pending reservation requests will be blocked until you accept or decline it or after 24 hours when the request to book expires—whichever comes first.

Dates with confirmed reservations will be automatically blocked on your calendar. Because one reservation could start in the second half of a day after a previous reservation ends, start and end dates related to reservation requests and confirmed reservations are partially filled.

Try setting up notifications if you’d like to receive alerts as soon as you have a pending reservation request.

Inquiries and pre-approved bookings

Sometimes guests send an inquiry about booking for certain dates before they send a reservation request. Dates will stay open so that multiple guests can send inquiries until you have a pending reservation request.

If you decide to pre-approve an inquiry and Instant Book isn’t on, those dates will automatically be held and blocked on your calendar either until the guest books or until the pre-approval expires after 24 hours—whichever comes first.

If you allow guests to book instantly

If you pre-approve an inquiry and allow guests to book instantly, you have the option to hold and block those dates either until the guest books or until the pre-approval expires after 24 hours—whichever comes first. This gives you the ability to ensure the guest who sent you an inquiry has a chance to book. You can change your mind at any time after pre-approving.

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