
Your reservations

The ProperyStays Tour marketplace is known for high-quality Tours, and all Tours must meet our quality standards to be published on ProperyStays. As part of the ProperyStays Tours host community, you commit to hosting Tours that meet guests’ expectations.

Guest reviews help hosts and ProperyStays understand which Tours meet these quality standards and expectations. Consistent 5-star reviews help build trust in ProperyStays Tours, bringing success to the entire community.

This is why Tours that have one or more low-star reviews and a low review rating may fall below our quality and eligibility threshold, and could be removed from the marketplace.

What leads to an Tour being removed from the marketplace?

We understand building a business is a journey and things are not always perfect right off the bat. This is why the criteria for removal takes into account whether an Tour is new or more established.

  • A new Tour with less than 20 reviews may be removed if it receives one or more 1, 2, or 3-star reviews for 3 separate instances.
  • An established Tour with more than 20 reviews may be removed if its average rating falls below 4.7.

Are there other quality criteria that can lead to an Tour being removed?

In addition to ratings and reviews, we look at other guest and engagement signals related to your Tour, including how guests are interacting with it and your activity on ProperyStays.

How will I know when my Tour is at risk and what I can do to improve?

We will always reach out when an Tour is at risk of removal for quality reasons to share clear criteria and resources to help hosts improve their Tour.

We may also reach out when an Tour receives a low-star review to share information and tips based on insights from guests and other successful Tour Hosts.

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