Canceling a reservation

Your reservations

The Resolution Center lets you request or send money for things related to your ProperyStays trip. To open a refund or payment request, go to

You have up to 60 days after your reservation’s checkout date to submit a Resolution Center request for non-security deposit related issues.

If you want to make a claim on your security deposit, you’ll need to submit your request to the Resolution Center within 14 days of your guest’s checkout date or before the next guest checks in, whichever is earlier.

Asking for help from ProperyStays

If you’re unable to reach an agreement, you can ask ProperyStays to make the final decision 72 hours after the request was opened. To involve ProperyStays:

  1. Wait 72 hours after you open the request
  2. Go to
  3. Select the correct reservation
  4. Click Involve ProperyStays

When you involve ProperyStays, our team will be notified and a dedicated team member will be assigned to your case. They’ll review the information provided by you and your host or guest, before making a final decision. In some cases, we may need to contact you to gather additional information, before we can make a decision.

Note: In some cases, you may need to add a payment method before sending or requesting money through the Resolution Center.

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